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The perfect skin does not exist; only the best version of you

Cristina López Saucedo
Feb 23, 2022

"Self-care goals: be the best version of yourself!"
The perfect skin does not exist; only the best version of you

Cristina López Saucedo - Feb 23, 2022


We've all been there. We’ve all had a crisis when looking at the mirror. We live in a society where beauty standards are constantly changing, but let's be honest, they are still far from representing natural beauty.

The reality is that new products and procedures are emerging every time to imitate that perfection and they make us believe that the more creams and treatments we use, the more likely we are to look like the models on Instagram. But we have good news for you: Perfect skin does not exist!

Nowadays, more than 98.9% of the photos that we find on social networks, commercials, and advertising are retouched. Lighting, makeup, hairstyle, and of course, Photoshop, play a very important role in this show of magic and illusion, helping to create the idea that we must be perfect to be loved and accepted.

Perfection is in the eyes of the beholder. We all have insecurities and flaws; between sensitive pores, pimples, blemishes, the list is endless!

The important thing is that, if you identify your skin type correctly and you choose the right products, and maintain a constant, safe, and healthy routine, you will achieve the best version of yourself.

Take care of yourself through self-care.

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